Botox was discovered in 1989 to help block nerve impulses but has since moved from a doctor's clinic into a cosmetic surgeon's treatment room. More defined facePlastic surgeons have found that by injecting it along the jaw line, it inhibits muscle movements that cause the jaw to look bulky, thus...
FACE-LIFT The traditional surgery that plastic surgeons have used to give the impressions of a youthful face requires incisions and sutures to lift or pull the skin and its underlying layers. There are now many less aggressive versions of this procedure, and some require only local anesthesia and sedatives. ...
Meso Botox (or Micro Botox) is a procedure where multiple superficial micro doses of Botox are injected into the skin of the face and neck, causing sweat glands and sebaceous glands to shrink and atrophy. This results in smooth clear skin without loss of movement in major facial muscles. Combinin...
美容市场上又有新技术!继波拉皮手术机器Thermage和Indiba后,以在市场上使用了十多年的Botox肉毒杆茵素,最近传来了最新突破 - Botox 不再是除皱的美容专利品。...
Botox and fillers have totally different actions although in some areas of the face, the end result can be similar. I like to use both at the same time but in different parts of the face so that they synergies and look more natural. What is Botox? Botox is a medicine made of a purified protein...
Dr Woffles Wu
Dr Woffles Wu
MBBS (Singapore)
FRCS (Edin)
FAMS (Plastic Surgery)
Think of plastic surgery in Asia and one name immediately springs to mind – Dr Woffles Wu! This innovative and exciting plastic surgeon from Singapore has for years been the name on the lips of men and women seeking aesthetic perfection. Armed with an impeccable eye for beauty, balance and harmony Dr Wu, dubbed Asia’s Beauty Guru by the Hongkong press has reinvented and promoted the concept of Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation(NSFR). He is today one of the most sought after speakers around the world on this topic demonstrating his combination of Injectables, Fillers, IPL Photorejuvenation and his invention, the WOFFLES LIFT to achieve facial rejuvenation without downtime.