The mid to late 1990s radically changed our perceptions of what could or could not be achieved with nonsurgical techniques for facial rejuvenation. Botulinum toxins, collagen fillers and subsequently hyaluronic acid fillers paved the way for new technologies that could relax, smoothen, brighten and ...
The use of barbed sutures technology is not new. Alcamo first conceptualized it for wound closure it in 1964 and this was followed by Fukuda, Buncke and Ruff who designed mono directional and bidirectional barbed threads for similar reconstructive uses such as wound closure and tendon repair. It was...
Woffles Wu FRCSE, AMS (Plast Surg)
The mid to late 1990s radically changed our perceptions of what could or could not be achieved with nonsurgical techniques for facial rejuvenation. Botulinum toxins, collagen fillers and subsequently hyaluronic acid fillers paved the way for new technologies tha...
Don’t worry. It took us plastic surgeons decades to understand what makes us look old and tired. For years, we thought it was only gravity, but we soon realised that facelifts, which pull skin and soft tissues upwards, didn’t always make our patients look younger – just tight and pulled.