亲爱的单身女子: 别担心,我们整形医生可是花了几十年的时间,才逐步了解时间对我们脸部的影响,以及为什么我们看起来总是又老又累。多年来,我们一直单纯地以为一切都是地心吸引力在作怪。...
Don’t worry. It took us plastic surgeons decades to understand what makes us look old and tired. For years, we thought it was only gravity, but we soon realised that facelifts, which pull skin and soft tissues upwards, didn’t always make our patients look younger – just tight and pulled. Th...
Dr Woffles Wu
Dr Woffles Wu
MBBS (Singapore)
FRCS (Edin)
FAMS (Plastic Surgery)
Think of plastic surgery in Asia and one name immediately springs to mind – Dr Woffles Wu! This innovative and exciting plastic surgeon from Singapore has for years been the name on the lips of men and women seeking aesthetic perfection. Armed with an impeccable eye for beauty, balance and harmony Dr Wu, dubbed Asia’s Beauty Guru by the Hongkong press has reinvented and promoted the concept of Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation(NSFR). He is today one of the most sought after speakers around the world on this topic demonstrating his combination of Injectables, Fillers, IPL Photorejuvenation and his invention, the WOFFLES LIFT to achieve facial rejuvenation without downtime.