I am 35 and have a small, receding chin which makes me look weak and indecisive. What procedure can help me look better? I really hate the way I look.

Correcting a small, weak and receding chin is one of the most dramatic and highly appreciated procedures.

A nicely shaped chin and cheekbones are vital as they create the three important light-reflecting points that frame and define the face. I call this the Triangle of Beauty.

A face with cheekbones and no chin looks top heavy and bird-like. It also makes the neck look shorter. In some cases, the lower lip just blends into the neck with no discernible definition.

The lack of a good chin also prematurely ages the lower face with the formation of jowls and marionette lines (the deep lines that run down from the corners of the mouth).

And there are three ways to correct this :

The first is via a chin implant. In this procedure, a slit is made either on the underside of the chin or on the inside of the lower lip. The soft tissue is lifted off the bone, creating a space between the bone and muscles. An implant made of silicone is then inserted into this space and held in place with some stitches. The silicone is similar to what is used for nasal augmentation and can remain in position for decades, if not life.

There are a wide variety of implants of different shapes and sizes, and your surgeon will use his artistic judgement to select the most appropriate one for you.

The second is called a Sliding Genioplasty, where a horizontal cut is made with a saw across the bone of the chin. After elevating the muscles and skin, the lower half of this bone is pushed (or slid) forward to create a new chin prominence. The bones are held together with a metal plate and screw.

Some surgeons prefer this technique because it uses the patients’ own bone, but in many cases, the bone may not be sufficient. It also costs more to do this.

The third technique, a very simple one, simply involves injecting filler materials directly onto the chine bone, thus enhancing it. I prefer to use semi-permanent fillers as they last longer and come in a wide variety of safe, filler materials to choose from.

The technique takes barely five minutes to perform, with virtually no swelling or bruising, and patients can go back to work immediately. The drawback – it cannot easily correct large problem areas and patients may need repeated injections.

Chin Implant

*30-minute surgery under local anaesthetic. Bruising and swelling for 1-2 weeks. Implant may shift, tilt, become infected or erode bone if improperly placed. Easy to reverse

Sliding Genioplasty

*45-minute surgery under general anaesthetic. Bruising and swelling for 1-2 weeks. Sometimes can feel a “notch” at the junction of the bony cut. Less variety of shape. Difficult to reverse


*Depending on volume and type of filler used. Easy to perform, no anesthetic required. Not suitable where large volume are required

Dr Woffles Wu
Dr Woffles Wu
MBBS (Singapore)
FRCS (Edin)
FAMS (Plastic Surgery)
Think of plastic surgery in Asia and one name immediately springs to mind – Dr Woffles Wu! This innovative and exciting plastic surgeon from Singapore has for years been the name on the lips of men and women seeking aesthetic perfection. Armed with an impeccable eye for beauty, balance and harmony Dr Wu, dubbed Asia’s Beauty Guru by the Hongkong press has reinvented and promoted the concept of Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation(NSFR). He is today one of the most sought after speakers around the world on this topic demonstrating his combination of Injectables, Fillers, IPL Photorejuvenation and his invention, the WOFFLES LIFT to achieve facial rejuvenation without downtime.